Sunday, May 31, 2009

Final May Thoughts

Studying has paid off for Noah. He's just received 17/20 on his Biology exam and an 84% on his last Chemistry exam. His last math test he received a 95%. This coming week is finals, so you can guess what he'll be doing. Noah says, "I still think I'm going to fail Chemistry, but it's getting better." It has too. His test scores since he changed the way he studies have been a lot higher.

Today we're trying to get motivated to do much of anything, but we're having trouble. The weather's too hot so we don't want to do anything outdoors, such as ride our bikes or work in the yard. Money is tight, so we don't want to waste gas going anywhere or paying to do something. Instead, we watched a couple episodes of Heros Season 2 and one episode of Sea Quest. We did do a load of dishes and some laundry and a bit of cleaning, but not much. We're hoping to get the motivation to go work on the yard for a few hours this evening when it's cooler.

Yesterday I had went to my friend Monique's baby shower. It was fairy-themed, which meant that she and most of her family were in fairy costumes, complete with wings and fairy dust. I didn't have any wings or sparkles, but Noah did my eye makeup to be more fairy-esque. It was surprisingly fun. Not your usual run-of-the-mill shower at all. We played some entertaining games her aunt invented and her mom cooked up some delicious food. My favorite game was the clothes-line game. Each "fairy" had a basket of clothes she had to hang on the clothesline (with at least one clothes pin per item). While hanging the clothes, she also had to be holding the baby and carrying on a conversation on her cellphone. The fairy with the fasted time won. I went second and had a time of 2 minutes 23 seconds. The fastest gal's time was just over 1 minute. At least I didn't drop my baby! It was fun to see a couple of the ladies I used to work with at Insight, but it also reminded me of how happy I am not to be working in such a crazy, unstable environment.

I was looking at Craigslist at all the cute puppies and kittens and ran across a post with all the numbers of animals euthinized at the Tacoma Humane Society. The kitten rates were through the roof with 1,551 healthy kittens euthanized in 2008. That, of course, had me in tears. I turned to Noah who read it and asked, "What do they even do with the 1,551 bodies after they euthanize them?" Needless to say, that did not help stop my tears.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you on the Humane Society prices. They are getting out of control. People cant afford to adopt an animal at the rates they are going for :(
