Friday, August 5, 2011

Patch 4.5

We have some of the most exciting news yet - we are expecting a baby girl in December! Which means our family of 4 (two humans, two cats) has upgraded to 4.5. :) The 20 week ultra sound was amazing and allowed us to actually see little Gloria grabbing her feet. Noah's favorite part was seeing and listening to the heartbeat. Seeing her move around and discovering that she's a girl easily brought me to tears, although I would have been just as moved if it were a boy. Now we get to do the fun part of decorating the nursery and registering for baby stuff. And buying hundreds of diapers....

Noah is taking the summer off from school, mostly because we bought a car in Spring and ended up not having tuition money. He has pretty much been miserable, although he's been great at keeping the house clean and meals ready. Not having a solid routine and schedule to occupy his time is a big struggle and makes him a bit depressed. We were both sad to learn that Fall Quarter doesn't start until September 19th. The fact that this has to continue on for more than a month is a bit daunting.

For me, work has been intense as we're currently still waiting to hire a new Registrar, so our department consists of 2 people. I'm getting better at leaving work thoughts at work though, and relaxing more when I get home. It helps that I'm trying to really limit my stress because of the pregnancy, because I feel like I can give myself permission to not worry so much. The pregnancy is going well this trimester, with only limited sickness, which is much better than my first trimester which was terrible. I also am more than halfway through my first MBA course for Keller Graduate School. To clarify, because of my job, I essentially can go to school for free, which is why I am able to take a class, even though Noah is not.

This was my first week of my new temporary schedule of working Monday thru Friday, so I am excited to have Saturday/Sunday off. We made it to Ethnic Fest last weekend and plan on going to the Proctor Arts Show/Walk tomorrow. We love finding and participating in the local events, especially if they're free!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

It's been over a year... again

So clearly we're not the exactly the best at updating our blog regularly, but we're going to give it another shot and see if we can't do a little better this year.

At the moment, our apartment is made even smaller as we have boxes piled up in anticipation of our big move next weekend. While the studio apartment worked out great for us, in December they raised our rent. And, honestly, $695 is too much for what we're getting. Thankfully, around this same time, we found out that the apartment we'd had our eye on for several years has opened up. It's in a 4-plex and is a two-bedroom apartment with a washer/dryer, pantry, dishwasher, and a deck! Even though it'll start out pretty sparse since we don't have a lot of furniture, we're super excited to move and get settled in a bigger place. And, one of Noah's oldest friends, Patrick, lives in the apartment above, so we're looking forward to spending more time with him and Telena.

Noah's had some up's and down's this year in school, but we're proud to say that it's more up's than down's. He started taking ADD medications in the Fall and they've made a drastic difference for him. For instance, last week, he got a 98.5% on his psychology exam! We just found out that he can get his AA sooner than expected, so it sounds like he'll have his degree by Winter quarter. From there, the plan is to transfer to Brandman College so he can get his Bachelor's in Psychology. His goal is to be able to tutor and, maybe eventually teach, students with ADD and help them in school. He switched from his medical-oriented path because he found after doing his clinicals that his joy of fixing and finding out how things work, didn't transfer very well when helping people who are injured, since he wasn't going to be a doctor. Fixing the problems that people put themselves in has always been Noah's fixation, but not his carreer choice. Being someone who struggled with school, Noah has learned a lot of things about, if not how he learned, how to teach other people to learn.

For us, this past year has been great with our relationship. Not that it was in any way bad to begin with, but we've definitely grown. One of the best things we recognized was that we fell in love with each other and married because we compliment each other so well. While Meg may not be observant (and may have just noticed an old sign that has been there for 10 years), there's not much that gets past Noah. And vice-versa. We've found a nice balance that allows us both to alternatively help or be helped by the other person. This has fostered a sense of peace and allowed us to really enjoy each other. Although we may not be perfect, we are perfect for each other.